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Wind Clinics/Auditions = May 6, 8, 10 (3:45-5:30)
When you pay for your meal, just mention you are with the BHS Band and a portion of their proceeds for that day will be donated to the BHS Band program. So, let mom have a break and treat her to dinner or meet a friend for lunch!
When you pay for your meal, just mention you are with the BHS Band and a portion of their proceeds for that day will be donated to the BHS Band program. So, let mom have a break and treat her to dinner or meet a friend for lunch!
When you pay for your meal, just mention you are with the BHS Band and a portion of their proceeds for that day will be donated to the BHS Band program. So, let mom have a break and treat her to dinner or meet a friend for lunch!
When you pay for your meal, just mention you are with the BHS Band and a portion of their proceeds for that day will be donated to the BHS Band program. So, let mom have a break and treat her to dinner or meet a friend for lunch!
When you pay for your meal, just mention you are with the BHS Band and a portion of their proceeds for that day will be donated to the BHS Band program. So, let mom have a break and treat her to dinner or meet a friend for lunch!
When you pay for your meal, just mention you are with the BHS Band and a portion of their proceeds for that day will be donated to the BHS Band program. So, let mom have a break and treat her to dinner or meet a friend for lunch!
(details TBA)