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Full band and Section pictures (Cancelled/Postponed)
Oct 1 @ 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Full band and Section pictures (Cancelled/Postponed)


Whether you have or haven’t read the “Thursday pictures & schedule” email sent earlier this morning, you can disregard it.


Fall Break
Oct 5 all-day

Fall Break PROTOCOL – It has always been my policy not to require student participation during commonly recognized holidays or school calendar breaks.  Therefore, as before, we will not have rehearsals during the week of Fall break.
However, we strive to support the school, football team, and community at the varsity football game during Fall break, October 9th at home versus Athens.
Any student who is out of town and unavailable will not be penalizedAny student who is in town is asked to come and support our performance.  It will be a bonus 100 point test grade.
We will meet on our field at 5:00 to take roll, warm-up, and coordinate how we’ll do things.  During half-time, we may perform show music from the stands if too many students are missing.

Fall Break
Oct 6 all-day

Fall Break PROTOCOL – It has always been my policy not to require student participation during commonly recognized holidays or school calendar breaks.  Therefore, as before, we will not have rehearsals during the week of Fall break.
However, we strive to support the school, football team, and community at the varsity football game during Fall break, October 9th at home versus Athens.
Any student who is out of town and unavailable will not be penalizedAny student who is in town is asked to come and support our performance.  It will be a bonus 100 point test grade.
We will meet on our field at 5:00 to take roll, warm-up, and coordinate how we’ll do things.  During half-time, we may perform show music from the stands if too many students are missing.

Fall Break
Oct 7 all-day

Fall Break PROTOCOL – It has always been my policy not to require student participation during commonly recognized holidays or school calendar breaks.  Therefore, as before, we will not have rehearsals during the week of Fall break.
However, we strive to support the school, football team, and community at the varsity football game during Fall break, October 9th at home versus Athens.
Any student who is out of town and unavailable will not be penalizedAny student who is in town is asked to come and support our performance.  It will be a bonus 100 point test grade.
We will meet on our field at 5:00 to take roll, warm-up, and coordinate how we’ll do things.  During half-time, we may perform show music from the stands if too many students are missing.

Fall Break
Oct 8 all-day

Fall Break PROTOCOL – It has always been my policy not to require student participation during commonly recognized holidays or school calendar breaks.  Therefore, as before, we will not have rehearsals during the week of Fall break.
However, we strive to support the school, football team, and community at the varsity football game during Fall break, October 9th at home versus Athens.
Any student who is out of town and unavailable will not be penalizedAny student who is in town is asked to come and support our performance.  It will be a bonus 100 point test grade.
We will meet on our field at 5:00 to take roll, warm-up, and coordinate how we’ll do things.  During half-time, we may perform show music from the stands if too many students are missing.

Fall Break
Oct 9 all-day

Fall Break PROTOCOL – It has always been my policy not to require student participation during commonly recognized holidays or school calendar breaks.  Therefore, as before, we will not have rehearsals during the week of Fall break.
However, we strive to support the school, football team, and community at the varsity football game during Fall break, October 9th at home versus Athens.
Any student who is out of town and unavailable will not be penalizedAny student who is in town is asked to come and support our performance.  It will be a bonus 100 point test grade.
We will meet on our field at 5:00 to take roll, warm-up, and coordinate how we’ll do things.  During half-time, we may perform show music from the stands if too many students are missing.

North Alabama Night of Bands @ Braly Stadium
Oct 24 all-day

**Any students who are scheduled to take the ACT test that morning need to let me know by the end of this week.  Those students will be excused from the morning rehearsal but need to coordinate/communicate call time/departure on the day.
Here is the tentative itinerary and event details including ATTIRE requirements:

The event itself will schedule a maximum of 12 bands 5 -8 PM followed by a special exhibition performance by the UNA Marching Band!  We do not yet know what specific time our band will perform but we will be attending to see all bands regardless of our performance time.  It will be highly educational and enjoyable!
Admission is $7 for adults, $3 for students.  Military and children under 12 get in free.
Our performing students & equipment crew will get in free.
There will be two gates to enter where symptoms and temperatures will be checked. We will check our students/staff/volunteers at departure call time, before loading up.
Face coverings and row skipping will be required & sanitizer will be available throughout the stadium.

ATTIRE:  Because we couldn’t use our official uniforms and I have been lenient about specific attire for our football game performances, now that we have this opportunity to have a large-venue final season performance, we need to look as uniform as possible.

The Buckhorn Band has always been known for its class and professionalism.  Visual appearance is a huge part of that!
– All students MUST wear CLEAN (non-hole, non-abrasion) BLUE jeans WITH BELT!
– All students MUST have and wear a CLEAN (non-faded) BAND SHIRT (Come see me one morning if you need a replacement because yours doesn’t fit or is faded.)
– If it is not too cool, we will march in t-shirts.  If it is going to be chilly when we perform, All students MUST have/wear their band jackets if they purchased one.  Those who purchased this year – they are out for delivery, should be here by the end of the week.  Those who don’t/won’t have one need to coordinate having/wearing something very similar like a hoodie or sweatshirt – ONLY NAVY BLUE with limited writing.  Please let me know if you need help finding an item like this!
**Other items like additional jacket, blanket, gloves, beanie can be worn in stands but not to perform.
Tennis shoes should also be clean – avoid wearing bright and distracting designs.
HAIR is part of attire.  Be sure your head/hair looks clean and brushed.  Long-hair students MUST tie their hair up so it is pulled back.

10/24/20 – North Alabama Night of Bands ITINERARY:

9:00 AM – Morning “rehearsal” – long slow warm-up, tuning, final touch-ups & run-throughs
11:00 AM – Debriefing discussion (expectations/instructions) then load trailer (all instruments will be loaded on trailer by section leaders to control traffic through the trailer).
11:30 AM – Dismissed for lunch (if staying on campus, bring lunch and all other needed items)
1:00 PM – Call time on practice field for ALL STUDENTS – roll call, equipment and attire check, be dressed in complete attire (including cold option in hand or on, as explained above) and dinner in-hand.  Think ahead!  BE PREPARED!
1:45 PM – Load buses/cars…
2:00 PM – Depart Buckhorn (CAR RIDERS follow buses but do not get between them!)
*We will be taking 565 to Decatur, Hwy 20 to Muscle Shoals, right on 133 (Wilson Dam Road) to Florence.
3:45 PM – Arrive at Braly Stadium (N Royal Avenue, Florence, AL)
4:00 PM – Eat dinner (bring your own sack/cooler/filling and healthy dinner & drink)
*If we are able to coordinate a safe-serve group meal upon arrival, I will let you know by the end of this week.
5:00 PM – Band performances begin!
8:00 PM – UNA Marching Band blows our minds!
8:30 PM – Event concludes, load trailer (as needed) & receive pre-packaged ride home snack & water
9:00 PM – Depart UNA (contingent on loading and traffic)
10:30-11:00 PM – Return to Buckhorn (those on bus / percussion, tubas, guard unloaders)

*Remind texts will be sent when we leave Florence and when we approach Buckhorn.  Please ensure a ride is waiting at Buckhorn to pick up students upon return.

2020 Winter Concert – Gold Gym
Dec 17 @ 7:00 PM

The Buckhorn High School Band’s 2020 Winter Concert will be Thursday, December 17th at 7:00 in the BHS Gold Gym (the main big one).  Admission is free!

*Classroom and gym event safety protocols will be employed – social distancing, masks, and 50% capacity – which leaves room to exceed our typical concert attendance.
*Please remember that students who are in-person at daily rehearsals are required to attend for a test grade.  Please communicate any safety concerns directly to me.

Our students received several exciting pieces of literature yesterday which we will study and work hard to prepare over the next month!  Students should be doing their own personal practice study regularly.

We hope you will all come and invite all of your family and friends!  The concert should last about an hour and is sure to help get us all in the spirit of the season.

Additional notes to consider:
We will not have after school rehearsal on the day of the concert. Students will be released at the bell, should get home, eat and change.
ALL STUDENTS CONCERT ATTIRE MUST BE AS PREVIOUSLY STIPULATED, including length of pants/dress – hemmed with slight break on the shoe.
Students leaders return at 4:45 to begin preparation for setting up in the gym.
Everyone else needs to return to the band room in full concert attire by 5:00, at which time we will move and set up everything in the gym (as basketball practice concludes).

Please keep in mind that we want families and friends to be able to take pictures and take the opportunity to enjoy each other’s fellowship, but students will need to take care of moving all of our chairs, stands, equipment, etc. back to the band room first.

Color Guard Audition Clinics
Apr 27 @ 3:45 PM – 5:30 PM

Greetings 8th grade band students and parents!

We invite all 8th grade band students to come participate in the the audition clinics listed below.  Our veteran student members will be participating and we are all very excited to welcome you/your students to the high school band family!

I am very glad that we will be able to do these clinics this year after having to cancel everything last year.  Students will be masked and spaced throughout.
These clinics are very important, required for membership, but also very fun and low pressure!

*Students should make plans to attend all clinic dates and times but if you have a legitimate conflict, please reach out to coordinate with me, so I can ensure all students are fairly and equally instructed and assessed.

All audition clinics will be group-oriented and instructionally-based while serving to help the staff and me make important determinations.  Students should initially come to the high school band room but clinics will be held between the band room, cafeteria, and possibly outside.
*Students should wear comfortable athletic clothing – shorts, t-shirt, tennis shoes.  We encourage bringing a water bottle but not required.
Color Guard Audition Clinics:
Our color guard students will be coming to all BMS P.E. classes the week after next to demonstrate and teach some basic flag techniques to those who may be interested in joining our visual ensemble – Color Guard!

Tuesdays/Thursdays: April 27, 29; May 4, 6 – 3:45-5:30 each day – Official audition May 7 @ 4-6

Color Guard Audition Clinics
Apr 29 @ 3:45 PM – 5:30 PM

Greetings 8th grade band students and parents!

We invite all 8th grade band students to come participate in the the audition clinics listed below.  Our veteran student members will be participating and we are all very excited to welcome you/your students to the high school band family!

I am very glad that we will be able to do these clinics this year after having to cancel everything last year.  Students will be masked and spaced throughout.
These clinics are very important, required for membership, but also very fun and low pressure!

*Students should make plans to attend all clinic dates and times but if you have a legitimate conflict, please reach out to coordinate with me, so I can ensure all students are fairly and equally instructed and assessed.

All audition clinics will be group-oriented and instructionally-based while serving to help the staff and me make important determinations.  Students should initially come to the high school band room but clinics will be held between the band room, cafeteria, and possibly outside.
*Students should wear comfortable athletic clothing – shorts, t-shirt, tennis shoes.  We encourage bringing a water bottle but not required.
Color Guard Audition Clinics:
Our color guard students will be coming to all BMS P.E. classes the week after next to demonstrate and teach some basic flag techniques to those who may be interested in joining our visual ensemble – Color Guard!

Tuesdays/Thursdays: April 27, 29; May 4, 6 – 3:45-5:30 each day – Official audition May 7 @ 4-6