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Band Booster Meeting
Mar 11 @ 6:00 PM
Band Booster Meeting
Apr 15 @ 6:00 PM
Marching Band WINDS Audition Clinics
Apr 26 @ 3:45 PM – 5:30 PM

Greetings 8th grade band students and parents!

We invite all 8th grade band students to come participate in the the audition clinics listed below.  Our veteran student members will be participating and we are all very excited to welcome you/your students to the high school band family!

I am very glad that we will be able to do these clinics this year after having to cancel everything last year.  Students will be masked and spaced throughout.
These clinics are very important, required for membership, but also very fun and low pressure!

*Students should make plans to attend all clinic dates and times but if you have a legitimate conflict, please reach out to coordinate with me, so I can ensure all students are fairly and equally instructed and assessed.

All audition clinics will be group-oriented and instructionally-based while serving to help the staff and me make important determinations.  Students should initially come to the high school band room but clinics will be held between the band room, cafeteria, and possibly outside.
*Students should wear comfortable athletic clothing – shorts, t-shirt, tennis shoes.  We encourage bringing a water bottle but not required.

Marching Band WINDS Audition Clinics
Apr 28 @ 3:45 PM – 5:30 PM

Greetings 8th grade band students and parents!

We invite all 8th grade band students to come participate in the the audition clinics listed below.  Our veteran student members will be participating and we are all very excited to welcome you/your students to the high school band family!

I am very glad that we will be able to do these clinics this year after having to cancel everything last year.  Students will be masked and spaced throughout.
These clinics are very important, required for membership, but also very fun and low pressure!

*Students should make plans to attend all clinic dates and times but if you have a legitimate conflict, please reach out to coordinate with me, so I can ensure all students are fairly and equally instructed and assessed.

All audition clinics will be group-oriented and instructionally-based while serving to help the staff and me make important determinations.  Students should initially come to the high school band room but clinics will be held between the band room, cafeteria, and possibly outside.
*Students should wear comfortable athletic clothing – shorts, t-shirt, tennis shoes.  We encourage bringing a water bottle but not required.

Marching Band WINDS Audition Clinics
Apr 30 @ 3:45 PM – 5:30 PM

Greetings 8th grade band students and parents!

We invite all 8th grade band students to come participate in the the audition clinics listed below.  Our veteran student members will be participating and we are all very excited to welcome you/your students to the high school band family!

I am very glad that we will be able to do these clinics this year after having to cancel everything last year.  Students will be masked and spaced throughout.
These clinics are very important, required for membership, but also very fun and low pressure!

*Students should make plans to attend all clinic dates and times but if you have a legitimate conflict, please reach out to coordinate with me, so I can ensure all students are fairly and equally instructed and assessed.

All audition clinics will be group-oriented and instructionally-based while serving to help the staff and me make important determinations.  Students should initially come to the high school band room but clinics will be held between the band room, cafeteria, and possibly outside.
*Students should wear comfortable athletic clothing – shorts, t-shirt, tennis shoes.  We encourage bringing a water bottle but not required.

Booster Meeting
Aug 15 @ 6:00 PM
Rocket City Marching Invitational – Madison, AL @ Madison CIty Stadium
Sep 21 all-day
Contest of Champions – MTSU @ Floyd Stadium
Oct 26 all-day

61st Middle Tennessee State University Contest of Champions

Contest of Champions | Middle Tennessee State University (

Booster Meeting
Mar 20 @ 6:30 PM
Booster Meeting
Apr 10 @ 6:30 PM