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If you’re looking for a delicious way to help the band, visit El Monte on Wednesday, September 2nd. When you check out, let them know you’re with the Buckhorn High School Band and a portion of their proceeds will come back to us.
Zaxby’s Fundraiser night from 5pm to 8pm

– Home game (Senior Night) this Friday versus Decatur – we will release at 3:30 but call time will be 5:00 instead of 5:30 so we can warm-up and prepare for Senior Night pregame festivities that we will perform earlier before the game.
SENIOR info: Seniors need to report to the band room by 5:00 to change into uniform. Then report to the stadium by 5:45 with parent/guardian escorts.
Should go without saying but clean your marching shoes, wash and brush you hair, pull it back and look your best! After pre-game senior night festivities, seniors will return to the band room to change into our regular performance attire and join the rest of the band in the stands.
The EAA Chapter 190 Monthly Fly-in Breakfast takes place on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Breakfast is served rain or shine. This is a wonderful fundraiser project. It’s a great opportunity to learn about aviation and the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). To give a little history, the EAA Young Eagles program was launched in 1992 to give interested young people, ages 8-17, an opportunity to fly in a general aviation airplane. These flights are free of charge and are made possible through the generosity of EAA member volunteers. Flight Disclaimer: The Student’s parent/guardian must be present to sign a waiver to fly.
The BHS Band/CG provides buffet-style breakfast. There’s a wide range of folks who come out to enjoy our breakfast like Pilots and their family/friends who fly into Moontown from near and far, Boy Scout groups, and our local communities. The breakfast menu may include: Scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, grits, gravy, biscuits, fruit, orange juice, and coffee.
Volunteers are responsible for: Service line set up, cooking, replenishing the breakfast buffet items/supplies, and Cleanup. Most importantly we want to make our guests feel welcomed and we must show our appreciation for their generous donations and support.
If you are interested, please sign up through CHARMS>Calendar>Go to ****>Click on the little hand once spots are open.
Please wear comfortable tennis shoes and clothing, preferably your BHS band shirts if you still have one. It is important that we represent BHS Band/CG just at Mr. Souder expects everyone to during all events we participate in. Even if you don’t volunteer, we want to encourage everyone to come out and support BHS Band/CG and EAA Chapter 190. The cost is $7 for Adults and $5 for Children.
Looking for an easy & delicious way to help our wonderful band? Visit Nothing But Noodles on Whitesburg any time today for a great meal! When you check out, tell them you’re with Buckhorn Band and a percentage of their sales will come back to us!
Nothing But Noodles Fundraiser
See email for meeting link