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When you pay for your meal, just mention you are with the BHS Band and a portion of their proceeds for that day will be donated to the BHS Band program. So, let mom have a break and treat her to dinner or meet a friend for lunch!

We will be taking 56 passenger charter buses for this trip as it is a school night and Mr. Markham offered to donate some travel funds to offset the extra cost to us. We appreciate Capital Trailways for giving us a fantastic price for 3 charter buses. Band, Football, Cheer, & Dance students are currently not excused from school Friday morning.

Next Friday’s football game (October 4) is a 3:00 start time against Jemison. Just like any other in-county game we will not take buses so students will need to carpool. If you haven’t already, please coordinate carpooling for your student and let me know if you need assistance in finding a ride. Arriving by 1 should allow drivers to get in to the parking lot without having to pay – be respectful if they are taking tickets (unlikely) and tell them you are in the band or working for the band. When entering from the Ivy Avenue (south end) you will want to park on the right side of the stadium. Big Blue will park over there for easy unload and dress.
When you pay for your meal, just mention you are with the BHS Band and a portion of their proceeds for that day will be donated to the BHS Band program. So, let mom have a break and treat her to dinner or meet a friend for lunch!
When you pay for your meal, just mention you are with the BHS Band and a portion of their proceeds for that day will be donated to the BHS Band program. So, let mom have a break and treat her to dinner or meet a friend for lunch!